Make the paste by combining the paste ingredients using a hand blender (or stone mortar and pestle, if you want a workout).
Fry the makrut leaves in hot oil (don’t burn them) then add the curry paste whilst stirring briskly until the fragrance is released (about 2 minutes).
Pour in half of the coconut milk and keep stirring so it doesn’t burn.
Reduce the sauce by one third and when the oil forms on top, turn up to a high heat.
Season to taste with salt, palm sugar, chicken stock and the remaining coconut milk. Bring to a boil.
Add the chicken and cook for 5 minutes before adding the rest of the vegetables.
Cook for a 4-5 more minutes then add fish sauce and garnish with basil leaves and red chillies.
Serve with jasmine rice cooked in your rice cooker.