Weigh out the treacle, syrup and butter into a medium saucepan and place on a medium heat, stirring occasionally, until melted together. Do not let the mix come to a boil.
Grease the rice cooker inner bowl
Combine the flour, oatmeal, spices, sugar, salt and bicarb in a large bowl and whisk to mix.
Pour the treacle mixture into the dry ingredients, stirring until no more dry pockets of flour are visible.
Beat the egg with the milk, then stir into the cake mixture to create a batter that’s loose enough to pour into the tin – if it’s still a bit too thick, add a little more milk.
Pour the mixture into the inner bowl, level the top, then select the 'CAKE' setting for 60 minutes. Press 'START'
At the end of the cooking cycle, check it’s just firm in the centre and the cake springs back when pressed with a finger (carefully!).
Cut into squares or rectangle and enjoy!