Finely chop all filling ingredients and mix with marinade. Place 1 tsp of the filling in the centre of
each circle of dough.
Fold the bottom centre over the filling to form a semi- circle and pinch the top tight.
Pinch the two corners of the semi-circle together leaving two symmetrical ‘Mickey Mouse ear’ shapes between your centre fold and the corner folds.
Now pinch/fold the ‘ears’ in towards you to make four layered folds. Tidy up to create a ‘half-moon’ shape and arrange on a plate.
Fill the rice cooker inner bowl with warm water to level 2, add the dumplings to the steam basket in a single layer and and press the ’STEAM’ function. Set the time to 30 minutes so the pork is cooked.
Heat 2 tbsp vegetable oil in a frying pan then add dumplings base down. Turn heat down to medium and fry until base is golden brown.
Consider serving with dipping sauce to really enhance the flavours of the jiaozi.