Peel and put the bananas into a bowl, squish them with a fork and mix in the oil, sugar and cinnamon.
Roughly mix the baking powder into the flour
Put the banana, oil, sugar and cinnamon mixture into the inner pan for the bread maker (make sure the kneading blade is attached!)
Add the flour and baking powder mix to the inner pan
Select the ‘Cake’ cycle and press start **
When the bread maker beeps for adding ingredients, grab a plastic spatula and scrape the sides of the inner pan. Don’t be afraid to really push the mixture from the sides, making sure all stray bits of flour are away from the sides (otherwise you will get floury bits on the outside of your baked bread)
Close the lid and leave until the cooking cycle has finished
Turn out onto a cooling rack and allow to cool
Slice and try not to eat it all in one go!