Break 150g of the chocolate and melt either in a heatproof bowl over a pan of water or by a quick
blast in the microwave. Leave to cool a little.
Grease your rice cooker inner bowl with a little sunflower oil. Sieve flour and cocoa powder into a
large bowl.
Add the sugar and a pinch of salt. Stir in the oil, plant milk and melted chocolate until mixed. Roughly chop the remaining 50g of chocolate and stir into the mixture
Pour into your rice cooker inner bowl. Smooth the top a little with a spoon and pat the bottom with a flat palm to settle the mixture.
Put on ’CAKE’ setting for 30-40 minutes. At 30 mins check with a toothpick, if it comes out clean it’s
ready, if not leave longer.
The top will still be quite soft, don’t worry about this! Leave to cool, tip out onto a plate, divide and serve