A good egg fried rice dish should have a nice mix of egg through the rice, be well seasoned, together with the right amount of vegetables for much needed crunch and to pack flavour into the dish.
Add rice to rice cooker bowl and fill up to level 2 (adjust for your rice cooker
capacity). Allow the rice to cool down for 30 minutes minimum (a few hours in a sealed container in fridge is best).
Whisk the egg with a fork until smooth whilst your pan (ideally a good wok) is heating to a very high temperature. Then add ½ tablespoon of vegetable oil until it reaches smoking-point.
Pour in the egg and turn the heat down by 1/3. Push the egg to one side and add another ½ tbsp of vegetable oil. Bring the wok back to a high heat.
Add cooled rice to wok and mix well with the egg. Remove clumps. Once mixed add the peas and stir-fry for 1 minute.
Add the soy sauce and sesame oil and turn the heat down by 1/3 again. Stir fry until the rice absorbs all the liquid (about 1 minute). Once the rice are ’dancing’ around the bottom of the wok then your rice is ready to serve.
Add rice to rice cooker bowl and fill up to level 2 (adjust for your rice cooker
capacity). Allow the rice to cool down for 30 minutes minimum (a few hours in a sealed container in fridge is best).
Whisk the egg with a fork until smooth whilst your pan (ideally a good wok) is heating to a very high temperature. Then add ½ tablespoon of vegetable oil until it reaches smoking-point.
Pour in the egg and turn the heat down by 1/3. Push the egg to one side and add another ½ tbsp of vegetable oil. Bring the wok back to a high heat.
Add cooled rice to wok and mix well with the egg. Remove clumps. Once mixed add the peas and stir-fry for 1 minute.
Add the soy sauce and sesame oil and turn the heat down by 1/3 again. Stir fry until the rice absorbs all the liquid (about 1 minute). Once the rice are ’dancing’ around the bottom of the wok then your rice is ready to serve.

You can keep it authentic but make it more interesting by adding thin matchstick carrots and sliced tomatoes. Add depth of flavour with black pepper and a pinch of white pepper at the end.
Is this recipe safe to re-heat the following day?
Since this recipe uses cooled rice from the ricecooker to make the fried rice I’m a little concerned about reheating leftover egg-fried rice.
Thank you
Hi Harry, if the rice has already been cooled and then cooked into fried rice, you cannot reheat it for a second time. For food safety purposes you should not reheat rice more than once. However, if you make the fried rice with freshly cooked rice from your rice cooker (it’s possible to do this, you just need to take a little more time in breaking up the rice in the pan/wok) then you will be able to refridgerate and then reheat the next day.