Putting the pieces together of sushi is relatively simple but also considered a type of food art. Just remember to not go looking for sushi rice as there is fundamentally no such thing. This is because sushi rice is actually short grain rice which, in rice cookers, should be cooked using the short grain function. In this article we explain how to make Sushi in a Fuji rice cooker. The amounts of rice you want to make can be adapted in scale to the capacity of your rice cooker.
Measure the rice* using your 180ml rice measuring cup. Wash the rice in the washing bowl and then put it into the inner bowl. Add water to level 3 on the SHORT GRAIN scale (for 3 cups of rice).
*Adjust the amounts depending on the amount of rice you want to cook.
Use the "SHORT GRAIN" menu option. When the rice cooker turns to "KEEP WARM" place the rice in a bowl and preferably allow it to rest for 10 minutes.
Combine the ingredients of the vinegar mix. Add to the cooked rice and mix.
Assemble the rice by wrapping in Nori seaweed. Add whichever toppings you prefer.
Measure the rice* using your 180ml rice measuring cup. Wash the rice in the washing bowl and then put it into the inner bowl. Add water to level 3 on the SHORT GRAIN scale (for 3 cups of rice).
*Adjust the amounts depending on the amount of rice you want to cook.
Use the "SHORT GRAIN" menu option. When the rice cooker turns to "KEEP WARM" place the rice in a bowl and preferably allow it to rest for 10 minutes.
Combine the ingredients of the vinegar mix. Add to the cooked rice and mix.
Assemble the rice by wrapping in Nori seaweed. Add whichever toppings you prefer.

Uramaki can be pretty when layered correctly. Popular decoration includes tobiko (flying fish eggs (bright red/orange caviar), chives or black or white sesame seeds. Try making futomaki which is basically a thick version of hosomaki with more chunky ingredients in the centre.
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