The dictionary definition of ‘curry’ is a dish, originally from South Asia, consisting of meat or vegetables cooked in a spicy sauce. Although this is technically correct, our understanding of the dish ‘curry’ and the wide range of cuisines this can encompass has broadened so much over the last 40 years. Growing up in the UK in the 1980’s, our first ...

Made with chicken and typical South Indian ingredients like coconut milk and curry leaves, this creamy spicy dish tastes best with rice. Serve it for a family meal and portion it up for tasty lunches. This curry can easily be adapted to vegetarian or vegan, just replace the meat with your favourite pulses or add sweet potato. Spinach would also ...

What springs to mind when you think about Indian food? Tandoori, Tikka, Vindaloo and other famous dishes? There is so much more to Indian cooking. With so many exotic ingredients and spice combinations, it can be very easy to feel intimidated by Indian food – especially when you are trying to re-create your favourite dishes at home. Indian food is ...

Flatbreads are very easy to make and are perfect for dipping in that Indian curry you have just made or for making a Turkish shawarma type wrap (delicious with falafel). By making your own flatbreads, you know exactly what has gone into them and know they are allergy-safe and wholesome. ...

Traditionally made with lamb or mutton, it can be made with chicken or beef as well. On this occasion we only had chicken to hand and it was delicious. Cooking this on the slow cook feature on the Sakura meant we could set it and leave it, knowing it would switch to keep warm once the cooking was complete. You ...

Japanese curry has a very distinctive taste and is best described as an English style stew with a curry flavour. It’s delicious! You can buy ready-made curry packets, but this recipe is really easy to make from scratch. Best of all if you have leftovers you can have it the next day – curry always tastes better the day after ...

Here is a quick, satisfying vegetarian meal. Cut up leftover fresh or frozen vegetables from the refrigerator and stir-fry them with leftover rice. This stir-fried rice gets a nice kick from the curry powder. ...

A spicy and aromatic curry which is delicious and easy to make. You can substitute the tofu with chicken or seafood if you prefer. We find pre-frying the fresh tofu adds a little more flavour and we do this in a dry non-stick pan until the tofu pieces are nicely browned. **Regarding the green curry paste. You can either use ...

Thai Chicken red curry

This dish can be as easy as buying the ready made paste from an Asian supermarket or you can make your own paste to add to the coconut milk. This really is cooking at it’s easiest and most delicious! ...